Lorraine Nicolle
MSc, PGCert, BA (Hons), Dip BCNH
Lorraine Nicolle is an experienced and regulated nutrition clinician, educator and author, with an MSc in nutrition, a higher education teaching qualification and a license to undertake one-to-one consultations.
She is an expert in the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health and peak performance.
She has a track record of working with individuals with a broad range of health conditions, helping them to use nutrition to improve their quality of life; and of working with businesses and educational institutions who want to develop their knowledge of nutrition and healthy eating.

121 Consultations
Personal consultations can be booked to identify your potential nutritional imbalances and how these may be contributing to your particular symptoms of ill-health.

Practitioner Mentoring
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Nutrition Education
We run lectures, workshops and seminars for health and social care practitioners and members of the public. Being fully qualified and experienced in teaching nutrition at Higher Education level, we can also be retained to teach on degree programmes and college courses.

Lorraine Nicolle regularly provides high quality nutrition and health content for articles, leaflets, websites, books and specific educational materials. We have many years’ experience of researching complex technical information and distilling the key points into readable and engaging text.